Welcome to House Fabric, where the fusion of quality and design breathes life into every home. Today, we're delving into the world of Waverly Fabric, an iconic name that has adorned stylish interiors for generations. Known for its vibrant patterns, exceptional durability, and versatile applications, Waverly Fabric has become a staple for those who appreciate the art of homemaking. Whether you're revamping a cherished space or starting from scratch, understanding the essence of Waverly Fabric will empower you to make choices that resonate with your aesthetic and lifestyle. Join us as we unwrap the allure of this beloved brand, offering you a tapestry of ideas that will inspire your next home project.

The History of Waverly Fabric

The story of Waverly Fabric is as rich and textured as the materials it produces. Since its inception in 1923, Waverly has woven itself into the fabric of American history, establishing itself as a go-to source for those seeking a blend of classic and contemporary designs. Its name, inspired by the Waverley novels by Sir Walter Scott, reflects the brand's commitment to timeless and narrative-driven patterns.

Waverly burst onto the scene at a time when America was ripe for a revolution in home decor. It catered to a new wave of homemakers looking to personalize their spaces without the expense of custom-made textiles. Waverly's ready-made fabrics brought high-quality, designer patterns into the everyday home, democratizing style in a way that was unheard of at the time.

The brand quickly became synonymous with quality and was often seen as a pioneer in the fabric industry, introducing bold and intricate designs that could transform any room. From florals and stripes to toiles and plaids, Waverly's patterns spoke to various tastes and styles, making it a versatile choice for all.

Over the decades, Waverly Fabric has adapted to the changing tides of fashion and home décor, never wavering from its commitment to quality. Their designs have been a backdrop to countless American lives, witnessing the ebb and flow of trends but always staying relevant.

Today, Waverly continues to capture the hearts of decorators and DIY enthusiasts alike, offering a seamless blend of the classic and the contemporary. And as we at House Fabric curate their finest selections, we ensure that every thread of history is still woven into the Waverly Fabrics we offer, connecting you to a rich heritage of beauty and quality in home furnishings.

Why Choose Waverly Fabric for Your Home?

Selecting the perfect fabric for your home is about more than just picking a pattern; it's about making a statement, creating comfort, and ensuring longevity. Waverly Fabric excels in all these areas, which is why it has remained a beloved choice for decorators and homeowners for nearly a century.

Quality and Durability:

First and foremost, Waverly is known for its exceptional quality. The fabrics are designed to withstand the rigors of daily life while maintaining their beauty. From thick weaves that hold up to high traffic areas to light and airy sheers that endure without fading, Waverly's commitment to durability is unmatched. This means investing in Waverly Fabric for your upholstery, window treatments, or outdoor cushions is not just an aesthetic choice but a practical one.

Style and Variety:

Style is personal and ever-evolving, and Waverly Fabric honors this by offering an extensive array of patterns and textures. Whether you lean towards the classic charm of florals and damasks or the modern edge of geometrics and abstracts, there's a Waverly Fabric that speaks to your taste. Their designs range from bold and expressive to subtle and understated, ensuring that no matter your style, there's a Waverly Fabric to complement it.

Ease of Maintenance:

Life can be messy, but your fabrics don't have to show it. Waverly Fabrics are designed to be easy to care for, freeing you from the worry of spills and stains. Many of their fabrics are treated with durable water repellent finishes or are inherently stain-resistant, making them ideal for busy households.

How to Select the Perfect Waverly Fabric

Selecting the right Waverly Fabric for your home is an essential step in creating a space that is not only beautiful but also reflects your personal style. Here at House Fabric, we've put together a guide to help you navigate through the myriad of choices to find your perfect match.

Step 1: Define the Purpose

- Assess Usage: Consider where and how the fabric will be used. Is it for a high-traffic family room sofa, a decorative bedroom pillow, or curtains in a sun-soaked room?

- Durability Needs: For upholstery, check the double rub count for wear resistance. For drapery, consider the weight and drape of the fabric.

Step 2: Consider the Mood and Style of Your Room

- Visual Harmony: Think about the existing decor and the ambiance you want to create. Is it cozy, formal, playful, or eclectic?

- Pattern and Scale: Choose a pattern that complements the scale of the room and furniture. Large patterns can make a grand statement in a spacious room, while small patterns may be more suitable for intimate spaces or accent pieces.

Step 3: Color Choices

- Color Palette: Select a color that either coordinates with your existing palette or serves as an accent. Remember that colors can influence mood—warm hues invite coziness, while cool tones create a calm atmosphere.

- Consider Lighting: View fabric samples in natural and artificial lighting at different times of the day, as colors can shift dramatically.

Step 4: Texture and Composition

- Texture Impact: Texture adds depth and interest. A smooth, shiny fabric can impart a luxurious feel, whereas a rough texture can introduce a rustic touch.

- Material Matters: The composition of the fabric affects its feel, durability, and care requirements. Cotton blends are versatile, while velvets or silks offer a more refined touch.

Step 5: Sample and Visualize

- Sample Swatches: Order swatches of your top fabric choices. Place them in your room to see how they complement your space.

- Live with It: Spend a few days with the fabric samples in the intended room—this can greatly influence your decision.

Step 6: Maintenance and Care

- Read the Label: Look for cleaning codes and instructions. Some fabrics may require professional cleaning, while others are more forgiving and can be machine washed.

Step 7: Environmental Considerations

- Eco-friendly Options: If sustainability is important to you, look for Waverly Fabrics made from recycled materials or certified eco-friendly processes.

Step 8: Making the Purchase

- Buy a Little More: Always purchase a bit more fabric than you think you’ll need. This accounts for pattern matching and future repairs or alterations.

- Trusted Retailers: Ensure you’re buying from reputable sellers like House Fabric to guarantee the authenticity of your Waverly Fabric.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to selecting a Waverly Fabric that not only adds to the aesthetic appeal of your home but also serves your lifestyle needs. And remember, our team at House Fabric is always here to help guide you through the selection process with personalized advice and expert insights.

Caring for Your Waverly Fabric

Once you've chosen the perfect Waverly Fabric and integrated it into your home, proper care and maintenance are key to ensuring its longevity and preserving its beauty. Waverly is renowned for its high-quality textiles that are as durable as they are stylish, but like all fine materials, they benefit from thoughtful handling. Here's how to keep your Waverly pieces looking their best:

Understanding Fabric Care Symbols:

- Deciphering the Labels: Each Waverly Fabric comes with a care label that provides important instructions on cleaning and maintenance. Familiarize yourself with these symbols—washing, bleaching, drying, ironing, and dry cleaning—to extend the life of your fabric.

Routine Maintenance:

- Regular Dusting and Vacuuming: For upholstered furniture, regular dusting or gentle vacuuming with an upholstery attachment can prevent dirt from settling into the fibers.

- Immediate Attention to Spills: Blot spills immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Avoid rubbing, which can work the stain deeper into the fabric.

Washing and Cleaning:

- Machine Washing: Some Waverly Fabrics are machine washable, making them ideal for casual and family-friendly environments. Use cold water and a mild detergent, and opt for a gentle cycle.

- Professional Cleaning: For fabrics that require a bit more care, such as those used for drapery or outdoor furniture, professional cleaning may be recommended to maintain the integrity of the fabric.

Special Treatments:

- Stain Repellents: Many Waverly Fabrics come with a stain-resistant finish. For those that don't, you may consider applying a fabric protector to repel spills and prevent stains.

- Sun Protection: If your fabric is exposed to sunlight, consider using window treatments to minimize direct exposure, which can lead to fading over time.

Ironing and Storage:

- Wrinkle Removal: If ironing is necessary, do so in accordance with the fabric’s heat setting recommendations. Some fabrics respond better to steam, while others may require a dry iron.

- Proper Storage: When storing Waverly Fabrics, such as seasonal slipcovers or drapes, clean them first, then store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Roll them instead of folding to avoid creases.

Professional Advice:

- Seek Expertise: Don't hesitate to reach out to House Fabric for advice tailored to your specific Waverly Fabric. Our experts can provide tips and tricks for maintaining your fabric based on its unique characteristics.

Caring for your Waverly Fabric with these tips in mind will help ensure that the patterns and textures you've fallen in love with remain as vibrant and inviting as the day you brought them into your home. With the right care, your Waverly pieces will continue to be a centerpiece of your décor for years to come.

DIY Projects with Waverly Fabric

Embracing the DIY spirit can be a rewarding way to infuse personality into your home decor, and Waverly Fabric offers a delightful palette to get creative with. At House Fabric, we've seen countless customers transform their spaces with a little ingenuity and the right fabric. Here are some project ideas and tips for making the most out of Waverly's versatile fabric collections.

Custom Cushions and Pillows:

- Add a Splash of Color: Use Waverly Fabric to create accent pillows for your living room or bedroom. Choose bold patterns to make a statement or subtle designs for a gentle complement to your existing decor.

- Outdoor Comfort: Craft weather-resistant cushions for outdoor seating using Waverly's Outdoor Living fabrics, perfect for patios and porches.

Reupholstering Finds:

- Furniture Facelift: Give a new lease on life to a thrift store chair or an antique sofa with a reupholstering project. Waverly's durable upholstery fabrics come in designs that can revitalize any piece.

- Headboard Chic: Create a custom headboard with a Waverly Fabric that becomes the focal point of your bedroom.

Window Treatments:

- Drapery DIY: Fashion your own curtains with Waverly Fabric to control the light and add elegance to any room.

- Roman Shades: For a more modern look, try your hand at making Roman shades that add both function and style.

Table Linens and Accessories:

- Setting the Scene: Sew your own tablecloths, runners, and napkins for a dining set that truly reflects your home's character.

- Crafting Coziness: Waverly's warm patterns are perfect for creating tea cozies, placemats, and bread baskets that add a homely touch.

Wall Art and Accents:

- Fabric Wallpaper: Use fabric starch to adhere Waverly Fabric to walls for a removable wallpaper effect that's great for renters.

- Artistic Expressions: Stretch Waverly Fabric over canvas frames to create custom art pieces that match your decor.

Tips for Success:

- Pattern Match: When working with patterns, especially large or complex ones, always buy extra fabric to ensure you can match the patterns up correctly.

- Quality Tools: Invest in good quality sewing tools and materials for a more professional finish.

- Pre-Wash: If your fabric permits, pre-wash it to prevent any future shrinkage after your project is complete.

At House Fabric, we're always amazed by the ingenuity of our customers who turn Waverly Fabric into beautiful, functional pieces for their homes. If you have a unique project in mind, we'd love to hear about it and perhaps feature it to inspire others. Share your creations with us, and let's celebrate the endless possibilities that Waverly Fabric and a bit of DIY spirit can bring to life.


Choosing Waverly Fabric for your home is more than a mere decorative decision; it's an investment in quality, heritage, and style that transcends the ordinary. Throughout this guide, we've explored the rich history, robust selection, and versatile applications of Waverly Fabrics, all while providing practical advice on selection, care, and creative use. At House Fabric, we understand that every thread, pattern, and color of fabric plays a pivotal role in crafting the narrative of your home.

By opting for Waverly, you're embracing a legacy of design excellence and durability that has been adorning homes for nearly a century. Whether through the lens of sustainability, the precision of authentic craftsmanship, or the joy of a DIY project, Waverly Fabric offers a world of possibilities for those looking to infuse their spaces with character and quality.

As you turn the pages of your home's design story, we invite you to draw inspiration from Waverly's diverse collections. Let the beauty of their fabrics be the backdrop to your life's moments, big and small. Remember that House Fabric is more than just a supplier; we are your partner in bringing the vision of your perfect home to life.

So, as we conclude this journey through the world of Waverly Fabric, we encourage you to take that inspiration, visit House Fabric, and start the process of transforming your home with confidence and a touch of timeless elegance that only Waverly can provide.